Okinawa pepper Precious spice produced in Japan


2024年12月03日 07:18

In Okinawa
Mainly in the Yaeyama region

There is a unique plant

It is called pipers, which is a pepper

It is an Okinawan spice and I believe it is a valuable domestic spice.

For my family,

No common black pepper or other peppers

Only this Okinawan pepper, Pipers.

In Okinawa

Piperts, Hiibachi, Hihachi,
piiperts, hibachi, hihachi,
Hiberts, Piyachi, Hihatsu-modoki,
Long Pepper, Phiferch


and they differ slightly from region to region.

When I first came to Okinawa, an acquaintance of mine made very tasty onigiri rice balls.

The onigiri rice balls were made by stir-frying young leaves of pipers in soy sauce and mixing them with rice.
I was so impressed by the taste of the rice ball.

Since then, I have been a big fan of
became a big fan of Pipers.

When I asked people around me if they had any seedlings, they said, “That's impossible.

I was told that they don't sprout from seeds.

The roots come out from the nodes, so you have to take cuttings to increase the number of plants.

I was fortunate enough to have a seedling of this rare piper's tree.
I got a seedling of this rare Pipers and let it crawl along the block wall for 7 years.

It is a vine-like plant with dignity.

It was wiped out by a U-turn typhoon last year.

It was a shock that took a long time to recover from.

We are dealing with a product that is grown and commercialized without pesticides.

I am now using that one.

It's a very nice fragrance.

We hope you enjoy the aroma of tropical spices.

The scent of unusual spices has a rich image, doesn't it?
I think it is a rich image.

Why don't you try a different aroma for your Christmas or New Year's dishes?

Okinawa Kosodate Ryohin: 098-996-2550
Open: Monday - Saturday
Open: Monday - Saturday

Kinari Cafe: 098-995-6042
Open: Wednesday - Saturday
Open: Wednesday - Saturday
11:00 - 15:00
