経営 (13)



Okinawa pepper Precious spice produced in Japan

In Okinawa
Mainly in the Yaeyama region

There is a unique plant

It is called pipers, which is a pepper

It is an Okinawan spice and I believe it is a valuable domestic spice.

Okinawa pepper Precious spice produced in Japan

For my family,

No common black pepper or other peppers

Only this Okinawan pepper, Pipers.

In Okinawa

Piperts, Hiibachi, Hihachi,
piiperts, hibachi, hihachi,
Hiberts, Piyachi, Hihatsu-modoki,
Long Pepper, Phiferch


and they differ slightly from region to region.

When I first came to Okinawa, an acquaintance of mine made very tasty onigiri rice balls.

The onigiri rice balls were made by stir-frying young leaves of pipers in soy sauce and mixing them with rice.
I was so impressed by the taste of the rice ball.

Since then, I have been a big fan of
became a big fan of Pipers.

When I asked people around me if they had any seedlings, they said, “That's impossible.

I was told that they don't sprout from seeds.

The roots come out from the nodes, so you have to take cuttings to increase the number of plants.

I was fortunate enough to have a seedling of this rare piper's tree.
I got a seedling of this rare Pipers and let it crawl along the block wall for 7 years.

It is a vine-like plant with dignity.

It was wiped out by a U-turn typhoon last year.

It was a shock that took a long time to recover from.

We are dealing with a product that is grown and commercialized without pesticides.

I am now using that one.

Okinawa pepper Precious spice produced in Japan

It's a very nice fragrance.

We hope you enjoy the aroma of tropical spices.

The scent of unusual spices has a rich image, doesn't it?
I think it is a rich image.

Why don't you try a different aroma for your Christmas or New Year's dishes?

Okinawa pepper Precious spice produced in Japan

Okinawa Kosodate Ryohin: 098-996-2550
Open: Monday - Saturday
Open: Monday - Saturday

Kinari Cafe: 098-995-6042
Open: Wednesday - Saturday
Open: Wednesday - Saturday
11:00 - 15:00

Okinawa pepper Precious spice produced in Japan

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